Our AI = Directive Intelligence
Patented and Evolving AI technology
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Patented and Evolving AI technology
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'Real' Artificial Intelligence is at the core of our gaming experience. Unlike our competitors, our events are not determined by random number generation, mathematical algorithms, or step-wise decision trees. We utilize a patented (US Patent 8,360,835 - Virtual World of Sports Competition Events with Integrated Betting System) event simulation engine where independent processing threads drive each competitor. In Owners Club, AI-powered thoroughbred horses use their attributes, skills, capabilities, spatial awareness, and their owner player's instructions, combined with their intelligence, to compete in our events.
Our AI-powered racehorses are directed how to compete in real-time events by their player-owners. The horses are developed with traits and skills to help them succeed, but they are "instructed" on what tactics to follow. When an event begins, our horses compete using the tactics they were instructed to follow. They independently make real-time decisions based on their instructions
Soon, our AI competitors will not just make decisions based on their instructions; they will be learning from their own experience and developing their own tendencies and preferences based on self-acquired knowledge. There is a limit to how far we will push this because we need to maintain player/owner skills as the determinant of success to be a legal skill game. So, our AI will always be part directive and part self-learned.
In the long term, we will move from AI competitors relying on their directive and independent knowledge to gaining collective or "collaborative knowledge" from the experience of working with teammates and learning how to succeed as a group. The "holy grail" for us is AI competitors learning from each other and learning to work with each other to improve and surprise their player-owners with new skills and capabilities beyond what they instructed.