AI-Powered Horses & Racing
Our horses are not just good to look at they have real "guts!"
AI-Powered Thoroughbred Horses
Our unique AI-powered horses “live” in our virtual world or "metaverse." They are:
One-of-a-kind unique entities, owned by game participants, and either stored on a) an Invincible GG (IGG) centralized server (in-game only horses) or b) on the Solana blockchain in the player owner's wallet (NFTs).
In a constantly changing state of health and attribute/skill development, controlled by their player-owners through stable management and horse development gameplay.
Part of a specific bloodline and share the genetic traits and preferences of that bloodline, which are revealed to their player-owners as they progress through horse development gameplay.
Able to develop specific skills that will make them more proficient at running races of different distances, on surfaces, or executing against specific in-race tactics.
These AI-powered horses can be acquired in-app with either Coins and Gems or purchased as an Invincible Horse from 3rd party marketplaces like, and others Later on, it will also be available to get directly from our Website & In-App Marketplace in future.
AI-Powered Live Events
Our Owner's Club races unfold in real-time.
Our horses genuinely compete against each other to win.
They are never pre-determined or pre-recorded. No one knows the outcome in advance, not even the simulation system.
Each horse comes to a race with its attributes, skills, genetic traits, and preferences, with various fitness for racing (Energy, Conditioning, and Happiness).
Each horse also comes with specific primary and secondary race tactics and will try to execute those tactics throughout the race.
Each horse makes step-by-step decisions and takes action to optimize their chances of winning.
Horses have spacial awareness, which, when combined with their intelligence, instructs them on what actions to take:
They have visual awareness of the horses in front
They feel the horses around them and avoid collision
They hear the horses behind them
Specifics About Our Live Racing
As mentioned, our races unfold in real-time. Here are some of the ways our unique race engine works:
Race Start - each horse’s ability to exit the Starting Gate is influenced by its starting ability, which is tied to the horse's genetics and the skills they develop. Having strong acceleration helps a horse get out of the gates quickly.
Horses will shorten the race and move to the rail if possible.
Horses try to execute their primary tactic; if they fail, they will resort to their secondary tactic.
Throughout the race, horses evaluate the race situation, their physical condition and abilities to determine a target speed, and the consumption of stamina to finish in the best position possible.
Track Geometry - The virtual tracks are encoded with information instructing the horses when approaching a curve or home straight. So they can work toward an optimal line.
We use “Fuzzy logic,” an AI technique horses use to determine the truth of the situation. Typically, computers deal in hard TRUE or FALSE evaluations. Fuzzy logic blurs what is true and false and allows a more realistic assessment of circumstances.
We use ”flocking algorithms” to influence how the horses move as a group and form groups in the race.
Drafting - Our horses all have drafting sensors that tell them whether they are close enough to draft and the drafting quality they receive from the horse(s) in front of them. The more they draft, the more stamina they conserve and the more speed they can maintain and generate in the remainder of the race.
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